A View of My Life - Quilt and Other Things

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Best Laid Plans....

Remember the other day when I said we'd be kicked back relaxing, watching movies, having a quiet Christmas Eve & Christmas Day, nibbling on munchies - just hanging out enjoying each others company??  Well, life kind of took it's own path.
I spent part of Christmas Eve day shopping - three separate trips out (once because the fancy heavy metal stocking hangers were nowhere to be found - REALLY??!!).   Command strip hooks to the rescue.

The cookies and scones didn't get baked until after dinner and then we all collapsed, bedtime was soon afterward.  On Christmas morning, halfway thru breakfast, the phone rang.  I knew it wasn't good before I answered it. And I was right. 
It was Dad calling to tell us that Mom is in the hospital. They know kind of what's wrong but need tests to pinpoint the plan of action.  I spent part of Christmas Day, visiting her at the hospital, talking to her doctor & nurses, and conferring with my siblings.  I then spent some time in my Element, on the side of the highway, waiting for the tow truck.  When I got home, I had a glass of wine, some chocolate and some hand stitching on the Irish Chain to unwind - in that order.

Today, I am sitting in my friend's basement waiting for my cell phone to ring.  It could any of the following:
1. Mom (or Dad or Siblings) calling to let me know what's going on at the hospital;
2. Mechanic calling to let me know if it was indeed the serpentine belt that broke and when the Element will be fixed; or
3. The vet calling me to let me know Drake is out of surgery.
Oh, yeah - went to the vet on Monday to have Sick Dog's (Hobbes) blood work redone 10 days after the last draw & those horrendous results, took Drake with & discovered he had to have surgery - the sooner, the better.  Since they couldn't just drop him on the operating table that minute, we have been anxious awaiting today, when Dr. Chris would tackle the issue.
BTW - Hobbes' blood work came back with all the numbers NORMAL - YAY!!!
And the Christmas Duck is still in the fridge, waiting to be roasted....
Happy Boxing Day!

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