A View of My Life - Quilt and Other Things

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

PIn, Pineapple and Puppy

A small slightly squishy package arrived in the post!

I LOVE getting packages! This one traveled all the way from Three Cats Ranch in Oregon to my doorstep.

 All this year, I’ve been linking up to the NewFO Challenge over at Cat Patches.  It’s kept me starting new things, trying different techniques and motivated me to always have something new in the works. It didn’t have to be big, it didn’t have to be a FINISH, it just had to be a start. And you know what? If you always need to start something new, eventually you have quite a few finishes!

Back to my slightly squishy package…

I WON!!!  
I was the winner of the October New FO pin – Flying Geese!

Proudly adding it to my pin collection.

And I am thrilled to announce:  My “Pink Pineapple” quilt for the Quilt Alliance benefit auction was sold for $82.00!

Not the top selling quilt of the group but a respectable showing.  And of course it’s to support a good cause, so that’s a win in my book.  I hope whoever won it, loves it.

I am already considering their challenge for next year “The Animals We Love”.  I’d totally love to do a “Flying Hobbie” quilt – 

Well, two of them actually because I’d want the first one for our house.


  1. Fantastic showing on the Pineapple quilt, well done! Awesome that you won a lovely pin, totally love the flying geese motif.

    Flying Hobbie - now that is just perfect - just like he was.

  2. Congratulations on both! That's a cute pin. I can't find my pin collection since the move. Must have packed it away somewhere safe!
