I hope everyone had a good day yesterday. The DH & I spent a very relaxing and quiet day, hanging around the house, enjoying the peace.
The tree was resplendent, in it's corner. Happy to report the cats have not bothered it.
It did tip over once a few weeks ago - courtesy of Sweet Man. He had untied it's wall tether while stringing the lights, was re-positioning the tree (by sliding the base) while lying on the floor and over it went on top of him. I couldn't get off the couch fast enough to catch it and didn't think fast enough to get a picture!
This was dinner - a lovely 6 and a half pound duck!
It was yummy and there's even some leftovers. Add that to the brown sugar glazed ham from Christmas Eve dinner, I don't have to do much cooking over the next few days!
I received some beautiful gifts - saving those for a later post. I did get some sewing time, a unexpected gift of studio time.
I'll be back in front of the machine later today & tomorrow!!
Your tree looks fantastic!