The Master Sketch has been traced twice. One for the right wing and one for the left wing. The tracings will be cut apart into pattern pieces. The Master Sketch gets preserved as a whole and protected - it can't be reproduced!
The majority of the work will be done from the right wing, as it is pictured on the quilt in it's entirety. The left wing is only a partial but needs to be an exact mirror image. So, you know, no pressure or anything!
The right wing tracing needed to be refined, and have it's areas sectioned off and coded.
The coded areas then need to have a color assigned to each one. Ummm, can't do that until I figure out my color palette. DANG!
Okay - time to sit down and get serious. I brought piles of fabric.
Only part of the fabric I sorted through trying to make a decision |
I was truly hoping to use a more muted colorway for the body of the butterfly and save my brights for the accents. I had to really work to limit the number of fabrics to stay within my parameters.
Here's were I ended my day:
Tracing sectioned - check! Fabric palette decided - check! Pattern pieces coded - check! Fabric colors assigned to sections - check! Background made - check! And finally, outline lightly traced on background fabric - check! And day is done!!
Now I can start actually cutting fabric and assembling the wings. Oh, and the accent colors need to be decided on, but thankfully, that has to wait until the wings are complete.