I'm trying to be better about getting back into the regular blogging schedule. My goal this week was to post on Tuesday & Thursday. If you tuned into your reading list or came directly to my blog, you noticed a new post was not, well, posted.
Life was pretty intensely, roller coaster-y this week, with some awesome news.
On Tuesday, I interviewed at a company (let's call them BHI) I worked for back in 2014, as a contractor. Fast forward, and I was interviewing again for a contract position there, though in a much different department. The goal was to get in the door, wow them, pray the position goes permanent and have it offered to me. The interview schedule was from 2:30 until 4:30 pm. I didn't leave there until 6:00 pm. Obviously, I hit it off with the 3 principals.
On Wednesday, I interviewed for a full time position at a well respected company (let's call them WK) in a industry in which I have no previous experience. Not that it matters, as my skills are transferable and I would be working for 4 principals, whom I connected fairly well with during the meetings.
Oh, and on Tuesday, I also had a phone screening interview for a different & full time permanent position at BHI. ARGH!! While I passed the phone screen, I knew that there was a chance these face to face interviews would come after I received an offer from either of the two above opportunities.
It's amazing to me that while I've been job hunting/applying like crazy to everything that remotely interested me, nothing, nothing, nothing and then BAM!! I'm a hot commodity. Go Figure!
Here's the kicker this week and where the wheels came off the truck. Just about literally! I embarked for the Wednesday meetings, happily listening to an audio book, rolling in my beloved Element.
For exactly 30 seconds.
There was a cluuunnkkkk, then a metallic scraaaaaaaaappppe, and then no power steering, though I had power.
I manhandled the truck thru a turn around, called DH to bring his keys down so I could commandeer his van, and told him to call the boys (our beloved mechanics) to come tow the Element.
R.I.P. Beloved Honda Element |
I called the shop before the interviews started but they hadn't had a chance to even crack open the hood yet. okay. By the time I finished the meetings, they had news for me.
Not good news.
The water pump exploded.
Decision time! Yes, I knew the Element was getting up there at 14 years old. Yes, I knew that 275,899 miles was a good long time. Yes, I knew I'd eventually have to find a replacement vehicle. I just chose not to face that reality until I was absolutely had to face it.
Well folks, things got real in a hurry! I could no longer put off what I knew was going to be really, really painful. The worst part is that Honda has not re-released the Element so I couldn't just run down to the Honda dealer & pick one in a color I liked.
That meant I had to hunker down & research makes & models in one evening, in order to start the test drive & shopping yesterday. We have activities this weekend in 2 different directions & 1 vehicle wasn't going to cut it. And renting a car for a week while I decided was just going to dent the budget unnecessarily. Can we say crunch time?
I borrowed DH's van, leaving him at home so I could traverse the dealers, sorting out facts from emotions. Yeah - good thing I was alone. The vehicle that was at the top of my possibilities crashed to the bottom once I experienced it first hand. The stretch vehicle ended up staying beyond my grasp.
The vehicle I swore I didn't want, is now residing in our driveway.
Never even test drove it - it's the same as DH's, one year newer and in a prettier color. I'm back up running and ready to roll on down the road. And just in time!