A View of My Life - Quilt and Other Things

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Back to the sewing area

And what a sight it was.  It's funny who when you are so engrossed in several projects with tight deadlines, you seem to overlook the devastation you are wrecking while creating. Okay so maybe it's just a me thing.  There it was piles of stuff everywhere - all over the cutting table, piled on the chair, stacked on the totes, falling off the wall ledge, overrunning the sewing table and even still in the traveling tote.  I had come downstairs with my graph paper to work on the barn quilt design, looked around and gave up any idea on drawing until the room was back under control!
While I don't have a dedicated studio room, the small downstairs family room is strictly my territory which means it was all my mess - no blaming the husband.  While cleaning, I decided to rearrange my cutting table & raised it up on bed blocks.  It may end up to high for cutting but I gained a bit more storage space underneath.  Two hours later - the space is back in order & ready for a new project.
Lately, I noticed my fabric stash has been getting hashed together as I pick through finding fabrics. That usually means its time to pull all the totes out of the garage and reorganize the whole stash.  While that sounds like a daunting task - and it does take the better part of the day - I found it's a great way to keep my stash current.  While reorganizing I make sure there is a box standing by - ready for fabrics that don't fit into upcoming projects or that are no longer my style or taste - for donating!  It keeps the stash organized, passes fabric along to others that can use it & frees up some space for a few new fabrics that are just waiting for me to buy them.

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