A View of My Life - Quilt and Other Things

Friday, April 3, 2020

Dreaming Progress

The outline stitching around the petals on my Dream Big panel is done.

I changed thread colors as I progressed outward.

Lots of thread tails to bury as I didn't want to stitch back over areas excessively. 

This has been put to the side, but not too far, until I figure out the texture I want to add to the petals.


  1. Have fun burying all those threads! Your outlining looks really good. LOVE that you thought to change thread color as you progressed outward!

  2. That's a good start. Did you know that Leah Day is doing a quilt-along of the panel at the moment? Not suggesting that you would do exactly what she does, but it might give you some ideas of what you do and don't want.
