A View of My Life - Quilt and Other Things

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It's Here!!

The long awaited for black silk arrived while I was out yesterday.  Happy Dance!!!
I am thrilled to have it here - now I can finish the last six rows of the jewel toned squares silk wall hanging.

It will have to wait until this afternoon, as I need to handle some more mundane chores.  Yesterday was a total day off - I blew off all chores, errands, responsibilities and hit the open road - the car windows cracked open and the sun shining down on me.  

Not quite this beautiful yesterday, but a girl can dream, can't she?!
One thing I did fit into my day was a lovely walk outside with Drake.  This winter has taken a toll on my motivation to get healthier.  Since I rode on Sunday, I needed to make sure I got some exercise today too.  Yes, the riding did work some underused muscles that are sore still today, but too bad.  Walking was good for me.  Like cod liver oil.  Or brussel sprouts. Or vaccinations.  Though I need to find my pedometer...

If I get busy this morning, I can do all the shopping stops and work on the organizing some of the boxes of paperwork - all before noon.  The laundry can wait until tomorrow when it's snowing outside and I can sit and stitch while rotating the laundry loads. 

The forecast of more snow accumulating (3-6 inches!) just makes us want to pull our hair out!  That's the real reason I took off yesterday - Proactive Mental Health Therapy.  DH should have come with me. Instead, he spent some quality time with the ice chopper on the driveway and overdid it.  Oh, did I have a crabby, underfed husband when I got home.  Wonder when I should squeeze in a batch of cookies for him?  That ought to put in back in good humor.  And they would be lovely with a cuppa in the studio.

Hopefully, I'll have some sewing progress to show off by tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.

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